Frequently Asked Question

The traditional protestant church of today often does not teach/preach from a hebriac perspective. A hebriac understanding of the Bible is essential to the believer’s faith as the original cultural content of the old and new testaments. Therefore, we here at 24:44 Ready Ministries have been called by the Most High to reveal this understanding to those that follow and support our calling. This platform is grounded not only in the truth of His Word but we often teach with the original Hebrew meanings for practical spiritual application.

He died at the 9th hour of the day, midweek before the ‘High’ Shabbat during Passover Week (John 19:31). The Bible does not record the exact time of the resurrection. However, the gospel does confirm that he was resurrected 3 days and 3 nights after his burial (Matthew 27:46-60). Consequently, He would have risen sometime before the end of the weekly sabbath to fulfill prophecy (Matthew 12:40). Additional reference (Matthew 28:1-6). We encourage that this be studied out hebraically for a complete understanding of the early morning concept.

As followers of the Messiah, we follow in His customs (Luke 4:16)
Our beliefs are only rooted in the biblical text. We identify with the culture of the written Word of the Most High God; therefore, we use the term ‘biblical.’ Additionally, we have been redeemed back to our place as the chosen people of the Most High (1 Peter 2:9). The Bible states specifically that His chosen people are Israel. Yahshua Ha’ Machiach only came to save Israel (Matthew 15:24). We do not identify as Christians, as the term is linked to the ‘religion’ of Christianity, which we do not endorse.

The tithing concept is introduced in the Bible by Abraham when he encountered the Kingly Priest Melchizedek which predates the law. Abraham, from a heart of gratitude, gave a tenth of his possessions (Genesis 14:20). Our offerings to the Father should exceed 10 percent. Additionally, the tithing law in biblical context referred to the produce of the ground and livestock (Deuteronomy 14:22-44). We are called to be cheerful givers according to the Father’s will (2 Corinthians 9:7).

The word declares what animals are declared clean and unclean. Bottom feeders would fall into the unclean category (Leviticus 11).
Pagan holidays originate from non Hebrew cultures. Biblical holy days are commandments from the Father to His people to remember throughout the generations (Leviticus 23).

The Messiah’s words are clear (Matthew 5:17-20).

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