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Learn More About the Ministers of 24:44 Ready Ministries

Let an ordained minister help you understand the Bible

The Brantley's have a deep seated passion for the Word of the Most High God (YHWH). They are eager to build a network of Yahshua following disciples in order to expand the kingdom of light. As husbands, fathers, and ministers of the gospel, they understand the importance of family, faith, and the impact spirit-filled men and women can have by taking in their rightful place in their homes and community at large.

Father-son duo Kenneth 'Ken' Brantley and Kenneth Brantley II founded 24:44 Ready Ministries in 2020. Between 2016-17, both of them had spiritual connection, unknowingly around the same time, each had stepped away from the traditional church seeking Yah's new and profound path. This led them into a regular virtual Bible study being they were at the time living in two different cities and states. Stemming from this deep love of the Bible, it's revelation knowledge, and a desire to spread the hebraic understanding of how to apply Biblical principles to daily living, the two decided to spread the Gospel through a virtual learning platform.

Minister Kenneth Brantley Sr.

Ken has dedicated over 40 years of his life to studying the Bible and preaching Yah's message wherever sent. His ministry experience spans over 30 years and includes serving as an assistant pastor, a youth pastor, and a lead pastor for five years. This experience has enabled him to provide insights into the Bible's history and intended message to true followers of the Messiah

Minister Kenneth L. Caldwell

Dr. Kenneth L. Caldwell is a practicing Orthopedic Surgeon, who is passionate about his relationship with The Most High God and the discovery of truth. As a physician he has an extensive educational background in scientific research and analytical thinking which he has learned to count as an asset in his walk with Christ as he often uses the same approach to uncover and expound upon things about his Christian faith that seems inconsistent with scripture. Dr. Caldwell first connected with Ministers Ken and Kenneth through his children, but their friendship quickly began to grow when they discovered a common passion for uncovering the Hebraic roots of their faith. By the leading of the Ruach Ha'Kodesh (Holy Spirit) and the example of Yah's love Dr. Caldwell has been grafted into 2444 Ready Ministries, not only as a fellow ministerial leader but as family which he counts as one of the greatest honors of his life to-date.

Minister Kenneth Brantley II

Following the example set by Minister Ken, Minister Kenneth has developed a deep passion for the biblical faith and has been sharing the light of Yahshua over the past twenty years. This passion was kindled in high school and continued to grow through leading Bible studies, then into college international missions. Since 2009, he began to preach and teach the Word of the Most High Yah from pulpits and street corners for all with a willing ear to hear. However, through a Damascus road experience in 2016, he began to dig into the Hebraic foundations of Biblical faith. Revelation knowledge began to flow like streams of living water like never before. It wasn't long after that that he and his dad began laying the foundations for this ministry.

The Inspiration Behind 24:44 Ready Ministries

"And he said unto them, These are the words which I speak unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me." - Luke 24:44

"Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh." - Matthew 24:44

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